So you’re sitting there and if you’re honest, you’re missing her – your ex. No need to deny it. Even if you tell me you don’t miss her, I won’t believe you anyway because I’ve been through the same stage you’re at right now.
I mean come on, anyone who’s asking questions like, “Does my ex want me back, and what are the signs that she will come back?”, is surely missing her.
Okay so that’s established and it’s only natural after the good times you guys had together. I completely get it, and I’d probably be doing the exact same online research you’re doing right now if I was currently in your situation.
But now you’re wanting to know if the feeling is mutual from your ex’s end. Does SHE want YOU back? And what generally are the signs that a girl wants you back, and will come back?
That’s THE question this article will give you the answer to – the question of how to know if your ex wants you back. Because I imagine your ex has been doing certain things lately, and you basically want to know if what she’s been doing means she wants you back, or if they don’t. You need an answer.

So what I’ll do is list the most common signs that your ex-girlfriend wants you back, and you can crosscheck her behavior lately, against those signs.
If she’s given any of the signs that an ex wants you back below, then there’s every chance that if you play your cards right and don’t mess up, you’ll be able to get her back fairly soon.
Finally before we start, it’s worth noting that approximately half of people DO get back with their ex, so before I even tell you the signs your ex wants to get back together, just know that it CAN be done in many cases, IF you start doing things right from here. To fast-track the process of re-attracting her back into a relationship, please take my chances of getting your ex back quiz and then we’ll go from there.
The signs your ex wants you back, short version:
- She seems emotional but refuses to see you
- She agrees to hang out with you (or better yet, she suggests it herself)
- She tells you (or someone you know) that she wishes things had turned out better between you
- She messages you or calls you FIRST to see how you’re doing
- She replies to your messages quickly
- She replies to your messages with longer texts than the ones you send
- She ‘likes’ photos of you on social media even if you’ve not spoken to her recently
- Her friends or family ask you questions about…you
- She waits several weeks to get her stuff back from you
- She literally says, “I want to get back together”
- She asks if you’re seeing anyone at the moment
- In conversation, she brings up the failures (or successes) of the relationship you guys had
- She mentions that she’s not seeing anyone right now and has no intention to do so anytime soon
- She shows a willingness to do things for you (offers lifts etc)
- She’s flirty with you
- She goes out of her way to explain something she did regarding you
- She talks about her future as if you will be in it
- She tries to make you jealous either on social media or in person
- She’s suddenly stopped arguing with everything you say or do and has become surprisingly more agreeable
- She sleeps with you now and then
- She’s touchy feely with you
- When she looks at you, she seems kinda mesmerized and looks deep into your eyes, as if what you’re saying is super important to her
- She seems nervous or anxious around you
- She repeatedly looks or stares at you
- She turns up somewhere she knows you’ll be
Does My Ex Want Me Back? How To Tell If She Does? Here’s The Top 25 Signs Your Ex-Girlfriend Wants You Back and Will Come Back To You!
I’ve organized these signs that your ex wants you back into three Categories. First are the signs that could only come via phone, text or social media. Second, you’ll see signs that may come in-person, but also could come via phone, text or social media. And then finally you’ve got the signs that could only come in person (face-to-face).
Within each of those 3 categories, the signs are placed starting with the one that represents the BIGGEST sign she wants you back, and they then work backwards into smaller and smaller signs. Even the smaller signs are quite good indicators that your ex will come back, though!
Signs your ex wants you back that could come only via phone, text or social media
– She seems emotional but refuses to see you
An ex that refuses to see you face-to-face, or maybe even refuses to speak with you on the phone, is an ex who’s fighting her feelings for you and desperately trying to move on. BUT (and that’s a big but right there), she is struggling to do that. She thinks that seeing you in the flesh or hearing your voice is just going to make it even harder for her to fully get over you.
This type of reaction from an ex usually happens after you’ve done some no contact for a while. The no contact phase works to get her missing you, and those feelings of missing you are what she’s trying to resist and fight against. Her FEELINGS are telling her she wants you back, but her mind is saying no.

Fortunately, women usually give in to their feelings sooner or later, even if they know logically they shouldn’t. So if your ex is refusing to see you or even hear your voice, and you know she isn’t angry at you, then it’s an encouraging sign that she will come back to you in the near future.
The best way to capitalize on these feelings for you that she’s having is to turn up on her doorstep unannounced. That way she’ll have no time to build up an emotional barrier. And when she sees you, she’ll be overcome with emotion – hopefully enough that she’ll let go and submit to what she’s been feeling.
– She agrees to hang out with you (or better yet, she suggests it herself)
An ex-girlfriend who has 100% fully moved on for sure is unlikely to agree to hang out with you, and probably wouldn’t be too bothered if she never saw you again. Therefore, if YOUR ex has agreed to meet with you, then there’s at least some interest coming through from her end.
Sure, maybe it’s a meet, “as friends”, but it’s still an indication that she isn’t yet 100% sure that you’re not the right guy for her. If she WAS 100% sure of that, she probably wouldn’t agree to hang out even as friends.
The more isolated the social meet that she’s agreed to will be, the bigger a sign of interest it is from her, because she knows that if you and her are isolated together, then there’s a good chance that you might make a move on her, especially if it’s nighttime.
So if you’re going to be meeting her in a coffee shop during the day where there will be lots of other people around, that isn’t too much of a sign that your ex wants you back. But if she’s agreed to hanging out at your place for movies one night, just you and her? That’s a much bigger sign that she will come back to you.
Obviously if meeting up is HER idea, then that is an even stronger sign of interest unless she’s inviting you out with her AND her friends. If her friends are involved, she knows that you can’t isolate her with them there, which means she may have intentions to just be friends with you.
NEVER agree to meeting up with your ex and her friends. You can’t make any real progress in terms of getting an ex-girlfriend back with those friends around, so you may as well save yourself the time, effort and money, and just call off seeing her for now.

If you already agreed to meet with just her alone, and she asks if her friends can come too, always say no. And if she then insists that her friends come along too or she can’t see you, then just cancel on her. Because like I said, if the friends are there then it’s just a waste of your time, energy and money.
– She tells you (or someone you know) that she wishes things had turned out better between you two
A girl who has reached the no-looking-back stage where she’s REALLY over you, will not wish that things had turned out better between you and her. If she’d reached that point, she wouldn’t feel any sort of regret about how things have turned out at all. Quite the opposite actually…she’d be glad to be rid of you!
But if YOUR ex wishes things had gone better between you, then on some level she’s probably open to giving it another shot, or will be soon. Because think about it: there’s plenty of guys out there for her to choose from, so why would she feel regret about how things turned out with one particular guy (you)…? The only reasonable explanation is that she still has some feelings for you!
– She messages you or calls you FIRST to see how you’re doing
This is more a sign that she’s missing you than a sign that she’s made the actual decision that she wants to get back together with you.
The more texts and calls you get from her, the more she’s missing you. It’s a situation where she’s on the way to wanting you back, but may not have quite got to that stage just yet. She’s definitely heading towards that though if she’s checking up on you like this. Because, if she’d lost all interest, asking how you are would be the last thing on her mind.
– She replies to your messages quickly
A girl that doesn’t care much for you will take her sweet time replying to your messages. She may not even reply to them at all.
If YOUR ex didn’t care, here’s what would happen with the messages you sent to her: she’d see them quite quickly (because her phone would most likely notify her), but due to her low interest level in you, she’d leave it until later to reply. And “later”, with all the things she’s got going on in her life, could easily turn into “never”.
But if, alternatively, she’s still emotionally invested in you, she’s likely to reply quite rapidly when you text her. The quicker she replies, the more enthusiastic she’s clearly feeling about you and the bigger a sign this is that your ex-girlfriend wants you back.
– She replies to your messages with longer texts than the ones you sent
It’s easy to tell who, out of a guy and a girl, is more emotionally invested in their relationship. It’s the one sending the longer messages, because that person is clearly putting in more time and effort. And I know this seems like a minor detail to be using to gauge interest and commitment level, but actually it is very highly representative of who’s the more emotionally invested out of the two.
If your ex is sending longer messages than you, it’s playing right into your hands, because when she receives shorter replies from you than she’s sending, YOUR making of less effort tells her that your Dating Market Value is higher than hers. Think about it, why does the higher value individual out of the two need to try harder? Answer: they don’t, and she KNOWS this! She knows an in-demand, high value man (she wants one of these) won’t feel the need to put more effort in than she does. He’ll feel the need to put in LESS effort!
Your ex most likely wants you back if she’s sending longer messages than you, so make sure the messaging continues like that, going forwards. She’ll perceive your value as a man to be higher that way. It’s called the law of least effort – putting in less effort than the other person indicates that you are higher value than they are.
Like I said, your ex-girlfriend/wife WANTS a man who she FEELS is higher value than her. Doesn’t matter if logically she is higher value than you – it only matters what your behavior towards her and others, tells her about your value in the dating market compared to hers.
– She ‘likes’ photos of you on social media even if you’ve not spoken to her recently
A lot of the time when a girl ‘likes’ your photos, it’s more because she wants you than she actually appreciates the photos. The photos could totally suck and she barely looks at them, but consciously or unconsciously, she wants to send a subtle indication of her interest. ‘Liking’ your social media updates is one way women tend to convey that interest.
So if your ex is liking a ton of your stuff on social media, or better yet commenting on it too, then there’s a good chance her interest level is high and she wants you back, or will do soon. The more statuses/updates she likes or comments on, the better an indication this is!
– Her friends or family ask you questions about…you
Think about this: why would your ex’s family ask a guy (you) who isn’t currently a part of their daughter’s/sister’s/whatever’s life right now, anything about himself? Answer: they wouldn’t…UNLESS they’re asking on behalf of your ex herself, who wants to know!

And why would she want to know how you’re doing?
Well, I think you know the answer to that. It’s because she’s starting to feel re-interested in you again, only she’s stubborn and doesn’t want you to know she’s feeling re-interested, so she gets someone else to ask about you on her behalf. Women can be very cunning like that.
One possible exception to the above explanation of why your ex’s friends or family may ask about you, is if you are especially close with that particular member of her family. In that case, you clearly have a relationship with that person irrespective of your ex, and therefore there’s a good chance that they’re asking just because they like you, and not because your ex is fishing for intel.
But that scenario aside, you should consider her friends or family asking about you as a sign that your ex wants you back.
– She waits several weeks to get her stuff back from you
An ex who waits to get her possessions back from you will do so for one of two reasons. The first possibility is that she’s fighting her feelings for you and doesn’t want to have a ‘relapse’ – whereby she gives in to her feelings and ends up hooking up with you – so she puts off seeing you for ANY reason whatsoever – even just to exchange possessions – until she’s feeling stronger and more capable of maintaining an emotional barrier.
On the other hand, she may put off seeing you because she’s already feeling uncertain about her decision to break up with you, and thus wants to leave open the option to see you at a time of her choosing. Because think about it – she knows that if you guys didn’t exchange possessions yet, then she could use the exchange of those as a reason to see you anytime she likes. She wants to have the ‘cover story’ ready about how she only wants to see you because she needs her stuff back (and not because of the REAL reason, which is that she’s missing you and wants you back!).
Female stubbornness at it’s best!
An ex who’s already done with you emotionally would want to get the giving-possessions-back thing done fully at the soonest possible opportunity, just to get it out the way so that she knows she doesn’t have to see you again in future. That’s why if your ex has delayed the, “possessions exchange meet”, or just hasn’t mentioned it, then it’s a good sign for you.
Signs your ex will come back that could come in person (face-to-face) OR via phone, text or social media
– She literally says, “I want to get back together”
Obviously this one doesn’t need too much explaining, but it’s pretty rare that women put their cards on the table so openly like this. But if she does do this, then for sure your ex will come back to you. FYI this is among the best signs your ex-girlfriend wants to get back together!
What I would say about it if she does this, is that you shouldn’t make it too easy for her to have you back. Okay sure so she says she wants to get back together, but if you just let her have you back instantly and act all relieved about it, you’ll be making yourself way too easy for her.
A woman will NOT value anything that comes her way too easily. If it comes easily, it isn’t worth a whole lot, the way she sees it. That’s why you will need to resist her suggestions of getting back together for a while, and tell her you’ll think about it. You just can’t afford to be making yourself too easy to have back.
After making her wait like that, you can then tell her that you’ve thought things through, and you think it’s worth another shot. But that talk can only come after she’s waited for YOU to make a decision!
Of course, from her having to wait for you to make a decision, your dating market value will shoot up in her mind, because now YOU are the chooser.
So that’s a small taster of the kind of way you have to behave towards an ex or a girlfriend if you want to keep her interested long-term. You’ve got to show signs of having high dating market value, otherwise you’ll constantly be getting dumped in these painful breakup situations.
– She asks if you’re seeing anyone at the moment
This is a pretty direct sign that your ex wants you back, although she probably wouldn’t admit to that. Women rarely do admit to their interest – they prefer to keep their cards close to their chest.
The fact is though, it doesn’t matter what she admits to. Because, a sign that she wants you back, is a sign that she wants you back. Whether she admits to it or not is completely irrelevant!
But how do you know for sure that an ex asking if you’re currently seeing anyone is a sign that she wants you back?
Well you tell me, why would a girl (any girl) ask you if you’re seeing anyone at the moment, without having a reason for wanting that information?
A girl who’s NOT interested won’t ask you, because she’ll be worried that you’ll think she’s interested! So you see, THEY KNOW they’re expressing their interest, and maybe even jealousy, when they ask if you’re currently dating anyone. So that in itself tells us that it’s a sign your ex is interested in you again. Like I said, it’s about as direct as it gets with signs your ex-girlfriend wants you back.
But how should you answer that question about whether you’re dating anyone right now, if it’s asked by your ex or any other woman for that matter?
Well definitely don’t say, “no”. Nothing will kill her excitement about you quicker than that – the knowledge that you’re NOT in demand by other chicks!
In fact don’t say, “yes” either. And don’t give any other precise details about the current status of your love life for that matter. Because, if you have to tell a girl something with words, she’ll interpret your verbal expression of it as a sign that you’re just trying to impress her. That’s because she knows that if it were actually true, you’d effortlessly SHOW it, rather than say it with words. Verbal attempts to impress a woman come across to her as insecurity, which of course is bad and will kill attraction.
Let me explain that better: if you have to verbally TELL your ex (or any girl) something good about yourself, she’ll think you’re trying to impress her. And if she thinks you’re trying to impress her, not only will she see you as insecure, but she probably won’t even believe what you said anyway! And that makes saying it in the first place, a waste of breath.
The best way to answer the question of whether or not you’re currently dating anyone, is to say, “yes” with your body language, but verbally give no confirmation of anything. Give her a confident smirk (to show her that you ARE dating but have the confidence not to care whether she knows it or not) and say, “wouldn’t you like to know.”

Your confident smirk (body language) will give it away to her that you are indeed a man in demand who has options in the dating market, without any insecurity coming through. THAT BODY LANGUAGE ALONE will work to increase her interest in you.
Why is that?
Well, why does a man who’s doing well in his dating life feel the need to verbalize his success to any one particular girl? He doesn’t, because the success comes whether THIS GIRL knows it or not, so he doesn’t care whether she specifically is impressed by him or not!
And his clear showing that he doesn’t feel the need to prove shit to her – that’s the exact part that TELLS her he’s a high value man who other women like…because she KNOWS that men who actually are in demand, never feel the need to prove or show it!
So, upon her learning that he’s a high value man (from his body language), she then finds that she feels attracted to him. And he didn’t have to say a word for that to happen. In fact, if he had said anything about his successful dating life, she wouldn’t have believed it anyway and thus wouldn’t have felt attracted to him, because of the reasons we just discussed above.
This is one of those times in life where keeping your mouth shut and letting your body language do the talking, is the winning formula.
– In conversation, she brings up the failures (or successes) of the relationship you guys had
Your ex wouldn’t mention the relationship you guys had (be that the positive or negative aspects of it) if she wasn’t considering whether or not there’s a way to fix it and go on to have a happy relationship with you. If she wasn’t considering that, she’d do quite the opposite – she’d try to just forget about it and would absolutely never mention it.
So on that basis, if she’s thinking about how there might be a way to fix the relationship, there can only really be one reason for that – because she still cares for you. If she didn’t care, then bringing up anything about the relationship would be a waste of her energy and she wouldn’t do it.
So if she DOES bring the relationship up, then clearly she still cares for you and is giving you a sign that she wants you back.
Additionally, if she talks about what was GOOD about the relationship you guys had, then she’s probably already made the decision that she wants you back. Through talking out loud about it, she’s basically just selling herself on the idea of it.
In that case, all you need to do from here is just play your cards right by doing THE steps that are proven to work to get an ex-girlfriend or wife back. You can see what the correct steps are (and how to avoid all the typical mistakes men make when trying to get an ex back) here on this site. To see this stuff, please complete my chances of getting your ex back quiz, and then we’ll go from there.
– She mentions that she’s not seeing anyone right now and has no intention to do so anytime soon
An ex who reassures you that she hasn’t found a new guy, and has no intention of doing so anytime soon – an ex who tells you that wants you to stay interested in her. Because she knows that if you think she’s seeing someone else, then your interest in her may fall.
In actual fact, her saying she isn’t seeing anyone right now doesn’t necessarily mean that she is or isn’t seeing anyone – she could just be lying so that you stay interested in her. An ex will happily lie to you if she thinks there’s a benefit to be had by doing so.
So the question that naturally follows is, why would your ex-girlfriend want you to stay interested in her?
Actually this isn’t necessarily a foregone conclusion…it may not be simply because she still loves you and wants you back.
Instead it could be because she LOVES the attention she gets from you (which boosts her ego), and she’d rather that this attention continued – even if she has no intention of getting back with you.
So, that’s another possible explanation for why an ex may decide to tell you that she’s not seeing anyone new right now – she wants your interest in her to remain high so that she can enjoy your attention.
But if that isn’t the reason (it’s up to you to know her personality and recognize if getting attention is the reason), then she may have given you the reassurance that she’s totally single because she knows that she still has some feelings for you, and knows that she may want to have you back in the future… So she tells you that there’s no other guys in the picture just to preserve your interest.
Ultimately, an ex telling you that she isn’t seeing anyone new and nor is she planning to – it could be a sign that she wants you back, but it could also be a sign that she just loves the attention she gets from keeping you interested.

Like I said, it’s your job to KNOW her and decide which of those 2 explanations is more likely to be true for this particular girl. Is she the type that just LOVES attention? If so, she may only be looking for attention and thus is happy to lead you on, to keep getting the attention. If not, then it’s surely a sign that your ex-girlfriend wants you back.
– She shows a willingness to do things for you (offers lifts etc)
Any woman that isn’t your mother, sister, grandmother or auntie, and offers to use her time to help you by doing things like giving you lifts or washing your clothes, is interested in you. She clearly has good instincts on how to take care of a man too if she’s offering to do these types of things! So that is a positive quality worth noting.
Consider this though: why would a girl offer to use her time and energy (and maybe even money) on helping you out, if she doesn’t want anything back from you in return?
Women (and people in general actually) are far too selfish to help you with much if they can’t see that there’s something in it FOR THEM. So it’s a no-brainer that she wouldn’t bother to do things for you if she didn’t think that there’s something in it for her.
What could be in it for her? Well, potentially your companionship when you see how helpful and caring she can be.
Hence, it is most likely that your ex-girlfriend wants you back if she’s offering to do things for you.
As a side note, you should always accept her offers to do things for you. The more invested in you she becomes (every time she spends her time on you, she invests in you further), the harder it becomes for her to ever truly walk away from you.
So, every time she wants to do something for you, let her do it! Not only will it make your life easier, it’ll also boost the chances that things DO end up working out between you guys!
– She’s flirty with you
A woman that feels no attraction whatsoever for a man (especially if he’s an ex-boyfriend) will NOT make any attempt to flirt with him. None. So if your ex seems flirty, you can consider it to be a decent sign that she wants you back.
It may not necessarily be a sign that she’ll actually TAKE you back in the next week or so (it’s not that strong a sign), but it does indicate that she’s feeling something for you. That something could grow into a decision to get back with you in the not-too-distant future IF you take the correct steps for getting an ex back.

– She goes out of her way to explain something she did regarding you
An ex who feels the need to explain her behavior to you, still cares what you think about her, and therefore probably wants you back. How do I know it means she probably wants you back?
Because, if she was ready to fully leave you behind and move on, she absolutely would not care what you think, and you’d get none of these types of explanations from her!
The more detail she goes into in explaining and justifying herself (i.e. the more effort and time she puts into it), the stronger a sign it is that your ex wants you back!
– She talks about her future as if you will be in it
Does your ex accidentally make references to the future in ways which hint that she thinks you and her will still be in contact later in life? For example does she say things like, “we’ll be so funny when we’re old!”?
Any use of the word “we” or “we’re” is a sign that at least a part of your ex still wants you in her life. Thus, it can be considered as a sign that your ex will come back to you in the (possibly near-term) future. She may not have realized this herself yet (that she wants you back), but little clues like mentioning you in her visions of the future show that the foundation for her wanting you back is already there in her mind.
If that’s the case and she does want you back, you’ll still need to do things right to get her back, but the seed of her interest is already planted, so you’re definitely on the right track!
– She tries to make you jealous either on social media or in person
If your ex has been leaving evidence on social media that she’s interacting with other guys – evidence that YOU can easily find – then it’s a sign that she wants to make you jealous. The reason that she wants to make you jealous could be one of two possible reasons:
– She either does it because she wants you back and thinks that you feeling a bit of jealousy will make you chase after her, OR
– She does it because she gets a thrill from bringing you down emotionally.
Now, given what you know about her character, which of those do you think it’s more likely to be? Obviously I have no idea about her specific character, so I need you to make a judgement call on this one.
If she’s the type of girl that would get cheap thrills from the attention and drama of making you jealous, then, whether she’s trying to give you a sign that she wants you back or not, it may be worth just moving on… Any girl that likes to toy with men’s emotions just for the fun of it like that, isn’t worth your time.
But if, knowing her so well like you do, you don’t think she’s the type that would try to make you jealous just for the fun of it, then she may well be trying to give you a sign that she wants you back. More importantly though, she could be trying to give you a nudge so that you’ll push things in the direction of a reconciliation. Whatever the reason is though, it certainly won’t hurt to return the favor and make her jealous too.
To be honest, this sign alone isn’t enough to give us firm confirmation that this girl wants you back, but if you notice it in combination with a few other signs your ex-girlfriend wants you back from this article, then she probably does want you back!
– She’s suddenly stopped arguing with everything you say or do, and has become surprisingly more agreeable
I would wager that just before, during and after your breakup, your ex was extremely argumentative. Literally everything you did seemed to piss her off. You could barely offer to fix her a drink or ask her how she is without her snapping at you angrily.
Am I right?
That’s pretty normal around the time of a breakup, and it’s more a symptom of key relationship mistakes you made over time, than anything you did in the particular moment that she snapped at you.
With that in mind, IF after breaking up, she all of a sudden STOPS being argumentative and goes back to something like the sweet girl you remember hooking up with in the beginning, then it’s a decent sign that she wants you back.
In my time running this website I’ve noticed that this sign will often come after a guy has successfully utilized the no contact rule. No contact works to melt away the relationship-staleness that was making the ex turn into a nightmare to be around in the first place. Hence, after no contact (some time away from each other), she’s much more likely to go back to her old self – the one you originally fell in love with.
Also, it makes total sense that if she starts to want you back, continuing to be rude or aggressive toward you would be counter-productive for her. So if her feelings for you ARE returning, she’s more likely to start to play nice again. That’s why you can consider her treating you better all of a sudden as a sign that your ex-girlfriend wants you back.
Signs your ex-girlfriend wants you back that could only come in person (face-to-face)
– She sleeps with you now and then
Is your ex-wife or ex-girlfriend still having sex with you sometimes? If so, that’s a very good sign that she wants you back, because there’s no way that she’d have sex with a guy who she’s not currently in a relationship with (you) UNLESS she feels some attraction for him (you). And if the attraction’s there, then you already have the foundation for getting her back set up, and you just need to execute the right plan of steps to get your girlfriend back.
So why does your ex having sex with you occasionally (or often), represent a sign that not only is she still attracted to you somewhat, but also that she’ll actually take you back?
Well, as men, we can bang a hot woman without instantly picking up feelings for her – but women aren’t so good at that. Women find it VERY difficult not to bond with a man emotionally when they have sex with him. They’re more emotional creatures than we are, and unless your ex has had such a high number of sexual partners that she’s learned to stop bonding with a guy when she has sex with him – unless that’s happened (unlikely), then she’s probably bonding with you a little bit more each time you guys sleep together.
The more she bonds with you from sex, the closer she gets to making the decision that she wants you back. That’s why you should definitely continue to sleep with her if she’s up for that – it will definitely increase your chances of getting her back.
But there’s another possibility…
It’s also possible that she’s sleeping with you just for the benefit of getting some easy attention and intimacy, until she meets a new guy that she likes.
The problem she hasn’t seen coming though, is that in continuing to sleep with you, she’ll be bonding to you more and more each time you guys have sex… Which makes her more and more likely to change her mind about you and want you back, the longer the sex carries on.
So that’s why even though she may just be planning to sleep with you until she meets someone new, you should still continue to hook up with her…it makes her more likely to change her mind and return to you!
Beyond that, there’s one more way that she stands to benefit from continuing to sleep with you: It maintains YOUR interest in her. In her mind, maintaining your interest may provide her with a decent backup plan in the event that she’s unable to tie down a higher value guy than you. Or more like, a higher value guy than she currently thinks you are. Perceptions can be changed!
– She’s touchy-feely with you
A woman won’t touch a man that she’s not at least slightly attracted to. And when a guy who she’s NOT attracted to tries to touch her, she’ll react by moving back or away.
That’s why if YOUR ex lets you touch her, and she moves towards and touches you also, then there’s definitely some attraction present.
Of course, where there’s attraction present, there’s a chance that your ex will come back to you.
If you notice THIS sign along with 1 or 2 other signs your ex wants you back from this article, then you may only be a few steps away from getting her to suggest that you guys start a new relationship together.
– When she looks at you, she seems kinda mesmerized and looks deep into your eyes, as if what you’re saying is super important to her
This is often regarded as a sign that a new girl who you just met is super into you. When it comes to exes though, it can be a sign that your ex wants you back. It’s a look that’s unmistakable – she’s looking at you as if she’s examining your eyes in fascination, and literally doesn’t look away at all. She just keeps staring into those eyes, and maybe looks at your mouth as you talk too.
Generally speaking if ANY woman (your ex included) is doing that, then she wants to be kissed. So, if you and her are isolated at that moment, then you may want to make your move.
To be fair, “the look” as described above is a sign of attraction more than a definite sign that she’s sure she wants you back.
Of course, attraction being present means that you’re well on your way to having her wanting you back, but you’ll still need to do the right things from here on out, to make that happen.
– She seems nervous or anxious around you
Have you noticed that YOU only really seem to get nervous around the women that you’re attracted to? And you feel totally calm around the ones you’re NOT attracted to, right?
Right, well chicks are exactly the same. When she’s eager to impress a man (from being attracted to him), nerves and anxiety kick in, and it usually shows in her body language. This happens in men and women alike!
So if your ex has been acting kinda nervous around you, what I wrote just above explains why her nervous behavior is a sign that she wants you back. We ALL get a bit nervous around those that we’re into, until we get them a few months into a committed relationship at least.
And we know that your ex seeming nervous is a sign that she wants you back, because when people interact with someone they’re not into? The nerves don’t come, and there’s no signs of nerves in their behavior!
So your ex IS into you at least a bit if she seems kinda nervous, and you just need to capitalize on that by taking the steps that work to get an ex girlfriend back.
– She repeatedly looks or stares at you
If you catch your ex looking over at you on the regular, there’s a high chance that she wants you back. Think about it: why would she constantly look over at YOU (her ex) if she’s not into you anymore? She wouldn’t – she’d do her best to look AWAY from you, and would generally keep her distance!

So if she’s looking over at you quite a lot, or better yet smiling at you too, then that’s a positive sign that things are heading in the right direction (i.e. it’s a sign that she wants you back).
Your best course of action from here is to show some courage and go talk to her at the soonest possible opportunity. She’s clearly in the right mood to give you a positive reaction right now, so you must absolutely strike while the iron is hot!
– She turns up somewhere she knows you’ll be
Has your ex turned up at either your work place, or at the gym you go to, or at some other place you go to on a regular basis, when she doesn’t usually go there? And has she turned up there at the exact time that she’d know you’re likely to be there?
If so, that’s a good sign that she’s starting to regain interest in you. I mean sure, she probably has a cover story for why she’s there at the same time as you (she’d be too stubborn to allow you to know that she’s there just to see you), but don’t be fooled… If she ‘just happens’ to show up where you are one day, at a time when you often go there, and you don’t usually see her there, then this isn’t a coincidence – this is an ex showing a sign that she wants you back!
But you still think it might just be a coincidence, right? Okay, in that case, my tip below was written just for you…
Pro Tip: If you’re still left wondering, “does my ex-girlfriend want me back?”, your chances of getting her back will go UP if you CHOOSE to BELIEVE that she does want you back
Okay so you’re still not 100% sure whether she wants you back, right?
Right, well let me tell you this: You stand to BENEFIT from CHOOSING to believe that she DOES want you back. That’s right, you will benefit from believing that she wants you back, because believing she wants you back will boost your confidence and self-belief, which will come across in your interactions with her (be they face-to-face or via texts/calls). And when she detects your higher confidence (she will – women have a 6th sense for this stuff), it will draw her in and re-attract her to you.

So, you could have a case where your ex actually DOESN’T want you back, but since you’re not a mind-reader, you don’t know that. So you CHOOSE to believe that she DOES want you back, because you might as well believe that, since you don’t know what the real answer is, right. Then, the confidence you got from BELIEVING she wants you back, EVEN THOUGH she doesn’t…that confidence ends up MAKING her want you back!! It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. It’s fake it til you make it!
That’s a technique I’ve used myself and had success with, so if you’re not sure whether your ex-girlfriend wants you back, convince yourself that she DOES – it may just jump-start her interest in you!
“Will My Ex Come Back?”
Well, have you noticed 3-5 signs
that your ex wants you back, above? Yes?
Here’s what that means:
If, in YOUR ex, you’ve noticed 3-5 of the 25 signs your ex wants you back above, then you don’t need to question, “will my ex come back?” or, “how to tell if your ex-wife wants you back”, any longer. She probably DOES want you back.
Maybe she won’t admit to that (too stubborn), and maybe internally she’s fighting it and trying to get over you. But make no mistake – the feelings are there in her, and thus you have the basic ingredients necessary to get your ex-girlfriend or wife back.
All you have to do now is do the right things to tempt her back! Start here.
Ha, I make it sound so easy.
Well actually, it IS easy – IF you know what to do. 99% of men don’t know what to do when it comes to getting a woman back. They just do whatever their feelings of desperation tell them to do. That usually means lots of phone calls, gifts, begging etc.
That stuff NEVER (and I mean never ever) works. Never.
Luckily for you though, in recent years, I’ve made HUGE breakthroughs from my interactions with visitors to this website, that have allowed me to perfect the formula for getting an ex-girlfriend or wife back. You can see everything I’ve found by first completing my chances of getting your ex back quiz. Then we’ll take it from there!
“Now that I know how to tell if a girl wants me back, I’m realizing she doesn’t want me back! Help me!”
At the start of this article I linked you to a study that revealed how common it is for exes to get back together. It’s super common, and so if your ex doesn’t seem to want you back according to what you’ve read here today, that doesn’t necessarily mean she won’t want you back in the near future.
What you need is a plan to change her mind. Because it’s clear that what you’ve tried already isn’t working. Based on my experience of running this website and helping thousands upon thousands of men with this precise issue, I’ve formulated a specific method that works very well to get an ex-wife or girlfriend back. Begin the whole ex-back process here.

Decided you want your ex back? Let me help you!
So she’s showing some signs that she wants you back according to what you’ve seen above, right?
Yeah, well don’t celebrate too quick. You’ve got a looooong way to go yet, trust me. SO much can go wrong (and usually does) when you’re trying to get an ex back. There’s a bunch of typical mistakes men make in these situations, and I’d bet my bottom dollar that if you’re not in the middle of making those mistakes RIGHT NOW, then you’re just about to make them. And the problem is, if you make those mistakes, they’ll HIT your chances of working things out with your ex, HARD.
That’s why I made a guide to getting an ex-girlfriend back. Little does she know it, but if you use those steps, there’s a strong chance your ex will be wanting you back, and making efforts to that end (yes, making those efforts herself!), within the next few weeks.
See, the secret is that you gotta make her EMOTIONALLY WANT you back, rather than logically trying to persuade her to come back. It needs to be HER IDEA based on her FEELINGS (women use their feelings to make all their decisions).
Okay so let’s finish off our discussion on how to know if your ex wants you back with this: You’ve got some fantastic memories of your time with this girl, your ex, so far, right? What if I told you there’s a way to reverse this breakup and continue creating great memories like those with her, right into the future?
To do that, you just need to get her to want you back, and after running this site for years, I’ve developed a tried and trusted way to do it. It all starts right here.